
<The magic of the white snake>(25/34)

2017-08-14 宋增科 草坪驿站






很喜欢德国人Helmut Matt &美国人Linda Marie Matt合著的<The Magic Of The White Snake>(白蛇传奇),现摘抄其中的片段,仅供爱好者欣赏,如喜欢,希请购买正版


The true magic of the West Lake and its  people can only be fully experienced by knowing about the secret of the white  snake.


We have to protect him from the demon’s harm.he peached(揭发) over and over again to his brethren, Under no circumstances can our poor brother be  allowed to return to the world of the humans,because then,the demon will  destroy him.

Not all of the monks believed the fake  monk.

He had lied to them too often.

How could it be possible that an evil  demon was hiding behind Xi’an friendly charcater?

One morning-the abbot was once again  away-one of the older monks sat down next to Xian on the steps.

I don’t believe Fa Hai.You are not obsessed(沉迷) by an evil demon.I don’t know why he keeps you  imprisoned here,but I am convinced that he does you a great wrong(冤枉你了).

Xian at once put his trust in the  friendly man and began to tell him his whole story.

He spoke about Suzhen and her friend Xiao  Qing,about the West Lake,his pharmacy,and about all the work that his poor  wife now had to do without his help.

He recounted(重新回顾) the evening of the Dragon Boat Festivl,the monk who  had  ambushed him,the snake in the matrimonial(夫妇的)bed,and his loss of consciousness.

He vaguely(模糊地) remembered how he,completely dazed(茫然的) and driven as from an external(外面的) power,had set forth to the monastry and that he  hadn’t regained(恢复) complete control of his faculties(能力) until the monastery door had fallen in its lock  behind him.

Touched by Xian’s fate,the old monk  repeatedly shook his head, You were horribly mistreated,my  friend,but don’t be afraid.Your suffering will be put to an end(结束).

Fa Hai would punished them all-there was  absolutely no doubt about it.

And yet,there must be a way to help this  poor prisoner.

Nothing else would suffice(唯有,没有什么足以让) for the old monk to keep his clear conscience.

At the beginning of the coming week,Fa  Hai would once again leave the monastry for a few hours-this would be the  right moment.

The monks would work in the garden in  front of the monastry.

While thing so,they would accdidentally  forget to lock the door.

You must be careful.After you pass through the door  into the garden,you have to keep to the left.Between the osmanthus bushes,you  will find the way out.I will keep the other monks busy so that none of them  will notice you.

Heaven will reward you,pious monk.Deeply grateful,Xu Xian looked into the old man’s  eyes.

